Events Calendar

Friday, 18 April 2025 - Monday, 21 April 2025

Testival 2025 from 19th al 21st april with events scheduled from 18 April

The open-air fair is back with the most prestigious paragliding brands, ready to let you test the latest innovations in the sector.

Beer, sandwiches and music to brighten up your weekend, as well as a rich calendar of events and activities for everyone starting from Friday evening. Here is the detailed program

Saturday, 15 July 2023 - Sunday, 30 July 2023

Saturday 7th October 2023

In case of bad weather 14th october 2023

Non-competitive event, open to everyone.
And if you can’t fly, come with us and just hike!

Price: 15€ including the pasta-party

If you register your participation before 10th September 2023, a wonderful gadget for you!

Departure and arrival to garden relais (in borso del grappa), with the possibility to find your equipment at the take-off.

Together it’s fun guaranteed!!

Samstag, 7 Oktober 2023

Bei Schlechtwetter 14/10/2023

Nicht wettbewerbsfähige Veranstaltung, geeignet für alle!
Und wenn Sie nicht fliegen können, kommen Sie in Gesellschaft zu Fuß!

Preis 15 € inklusive Pasta-Party

Wenn Sie sich bis zum 10/09/2023 anmelden, erhalten Sie auch ein schönes Gadget!

Abfahrt und Rückkehr zum Garden Relais (in Borso del Grappa) mit der Möglichkeit, Ihre Ausrüstung bereits beim Startplatz zu findenden.

Zusammen ist Spass garantiert!!!




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Saturday, 08 July 2023 - Sunday, 27 August 2023

Project “Experience” Ama Music Festival

We are partner of Ama Music Festival in their project called "Experience". This music festival, elected best Italian festival 2022, will host national and international artists for this 2023 edition: on 8 July with the Chemical Brothers and from 23 to 27 August with the only Italian dates of Cypress Hill, Yungblud and Megadeth. Here the schedule of the activities planned during the days of the Festival. write us on WhatsApp for more info (limited availability)

Saturday, 08 April 2023 - Monday, 10 April 2023

Testival 2023

During the Easter weekend (8-9-10th April), in conjunction with Montegrappa Trophy, the representatives of many paragliding brands will be present to make test their products to all the interested pilots.


Don’t miss the following appointments with our Testival:

  • on Saturday at Garden Relais landing, via Caose 22, Borso del Grappa (TV)
  • on Sunday and Monday at the Sport Complex, via B. Marcello, Romano d’Ezzelino (VI)

Daily shuttle service available (service for fee).
Come to discover the latest news of flying! We wait for you!

Saturday, 02 July 2022 - Saturday, 02 July 2022

A perfect match between trekking and paragliding

Hike & Fly Experience 2022

On July 2sd, 2022 the third edition of Hike&Fly Experience will be held, the event of free flight and hiking in Monte Grappa

Take part of the local Hike & Fly competition, setting in the Monte Grappa Flight Area and organized by Team ParaZoo and Volo Libero Montegrappa.

Walking in the most beautiful paths of Monte Grappa and flying to Garden Relais landing in Semonzo del Grappa, you will discover the beauty and the uniqueness of our territory, going beyond your limits. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2022 - Monday, 18 April 2022

International Paragliding Competition cat. FAI2

Trofeo Montegrappa 2022

Back for an Easter full of surprises!

After two years of forced stop, the traditional Monte Grappa Paragliding competition is back with great news!

From 13 to 18th April 2022, a new location will host the Headquarter and the official landing area of Montegrappa Trophy. The event will be based in Romano d'Ezzelino. 

There will be 150 pilots competing, including some of the strongest women and men in the paragliding world, that will challenge each other (and themselves) seeking for the best strategy to complete the race.

The 5 task will take them above Monte Grappa and the Veneto foothills, flying over Bassano, Marostica, Asolo and Possagno!

During the 5 days of competition there will be many surprises for pilots and visitors! 

Big news: a Testival area will be available at Garden Landing! Don't miss this opportunity to know more about equipment and technical knowledge of free flight.

Stay tuned!

For further information: 

Saturday, 03 July 2021 - Saturday, 03 July 2021

Monte Grappa Bike Day - Saturday 3rd July 2021

Bike lovers adore Monte Grappa and its roads towards the pike (Cima Grappa).

This mountain has been theater of several Giro editions and still has a particular charming power to the cyclists. What if for one day, they could be protagonists without worrying about the car traffic? This dream comes true on the Monte Grappa Bike Day: a free and non-competitive race open to all bike lovers!

Saturday, 12 June 2021

The harmony between trekking and paragliding

Hike & Fly Experience 2021

On 12th 2021 the second edition of Hike&Fly Experience will be held, the event of free flight and hiking in Monte Grappa

Take part of the local Hike & Fly competition, setting in the Monte Grappa Flight Area and organized by Team ParaZoo and Volo Libero Montegrappa.

Walking in the most beautiful paths of Monte Grappa and flying to Garden Relais landing in Semonzo del Grappa, you will discover the beauty and the uniqueness of our territory, going beyond your limits. 

Wednesday, 25 August 2021 - Sunday, 29 August 2021

After being forced to stop, the big music event of the Pedemontana del Grappa is back. 

AMA Music Festival 2021

A five-day-event in name of music, art, and sustainability.

AMA Music Festival comes back, after being forced to stop due to Covid-19 virus. Five days of music in the wonderful park of  Villa Ca' Cornaro in Romano d'Ezzelino.

The event will be held from 25th August 2021 to 29th August 2021, respecting all the measures for containing the Covid-19 virus.

This is the program of the 5-day-event:

Sunday, 13 September 2020 - Saturday, 19 September 2020

Monte Grappa from 13 to 19 September

Polish Paragliding Open 2020

FAI2 International Competition

Monte Grappa will host the 2020 edition of the Polish Paragliding Open Championship. This international race (FAI cat. 2) will see the participation of 100 athletes both from Poland and the rest of the World. The six tasks will be set in the Monte Grappa Massif area.

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